Your product is excellent, your customer service is outstanding, you are doing everything right, but the reviews aren’t coming in. You probably start asking: “why is it so hard to get reviews on Google?” You could start thinking that getting loads of reviews is an intricate science. The good news is that it’s not expensive or hard to get reviews on Google.
In most cases, when you understand why it’s hard to get Google reviews, the process becomes easier.
Reasons It’s Hard to Get Reviews on Google
The main reason why it seems almost impossible to get Google reviews is a lack of strategy. Companies that aren’t successful in getting reviews usually never ask for them or don’t use review management software. It’s good to remember that customers often forget to leave feedback unless you remind them.
What should you do if you feel that you are making the right efforts, but the Google reviews aren’t showing up? The most important thing is not to panic.
Unfortunately, some companies do something drastic—like buying Google reviews. But buying reviews typically leads to reputation disaster.
Related reading: Should you buy online reviews?
So, let’s look at some of the top reasons why it might be hard to get Google reviews.
1. Not having a review strategy
When you start a business, you create a business plan. When you begin marketing, you have a strategy. The same is true for a review strategy.
A review strategy is a set of processes that encourage re-engagement with information that is already available. A plan to manage reviews will create value and help keep your brand in customers’ minds. You develop a strategy by generating, monitoring, and responding to reviews.
2. Leaving getting reviews to chance
Having confidence in your product or service isn’t enough. If you assume the reviews will simply come in, you may well be shocked when they don’t. Consumers, like business owners, have a lot on their minds. They might be thrilled with your business but just forget to leave the review.
The problem is that unhappy customers almost always leave reviews without you asking. So you need to capture your satisfied customers and encourage them to leave reviews. Usually, all they need is a reminder.
3. You don’t ask for reviews
You know the adage: “if you don’t ask, you won’t get.” If you don’t ask for reviews, you won’t get them—or not the volume you hope. Asking for reviews can be difficult for many. It feels like you are asking for a huge favor. But don’t worry—asking customers is ethical, and most customers respond well to request.
Here is the Starloop way to ask for a review: invite the customer to leave feedback. That way, your request doesn’t sound like a loaded question that makes you or your customer feel awkward.
4. You forget to send reminder emails to leave reviews
Gentle reminders to leave a review are just as important as asking. Like asking for the review, sending reminders can feel like you are imposing or even nagging. But this isn’t the case. It just goes back to the fact that despite the excellent experience, customers just forget.
However, you need to know the right way to ask for reviews.
5. Customers don’t know how to leave reviews
It could be that your customer doesn’t know where to leave reviews. Just imagine—you’ve worked hard to ask for reviews. You sent a couple of reminders. But Google reviews are still not showing up. Sending emails, messages, and thank you notes asking for reviews is such a good idea—but only if you show your customers how to leave a review on Google.
6. You make it too complicated to get reviews
It may be hard to get reviews because you use a complicated review system. Try to stick to the three-click rule. This means that a customer should not have to click more than three times to leave their feedback. As soon as leaving a review takes too long or opens numerous third-party sites, a customer is likely to quit the process.
Even a happy customer will give up leaving a review if it takes too much time or is complicated. Not every customer will have the technological abilities to navigate to your review site.
7. Reviews may not be showing up
Reviews not showing up can be frustrating and are often difficult to control. Google has a stringent policy on reviews. Your customers might be unaware of what they can and can’t include in their reviews. There are also certain practices you must avoid to make sure all of your reviews show up.

How to Make it Easier to Get Reviews on Google
The first step to making it easier to get reviews on Google is to educate yourself. Make sure that all your business information is complete and accurate on your Google My Business account.
Check the “Conflict of Interest” section to know what you can do. You can also learn more about what content can be included in reviews. Although you can’t always control what others write, it helps to understand why some reviews don’t appear.
There are several ways to ask for reviews. The most common, convenient, and successful method is to send email invitations. Emails are less intrusive, and people are more likely to respond because they check their mail when they have a few spare minutes. Text messages are another way to keep the process simple. Be sure to include a link to your Google review page.
Another way to ask for reviews is by sending a thank you note with the product. Include the link as well as instructions just in case—remember not every customer is going to be tech-savvy.
A great way to appeal to those who are tech-minded is to generate a Google QR code. You can add this to thank you notes and display them in your store. Don’t forget the importance of asking face to face. If the pressure is too much, ask for feedback instead of a review.
Regardless of how you ask customers for Google reviews, the process must be short and easy. Let them know it will only take a couple of minutes and that their opinions matter. This will encourage them to leave a written review and not just a star rating. It’s the written reviews and keywords that Google’s algorithms love.
Again, don’t worry that you are pushy. A polite reminder will help get more Google reviews. It’s generally acceptable to send 2 or 3 email reminders. Research shows that 71 percent of people will leave a review if you ask the right way. Many just forget, and a simple nudge is all that’s needed to remind them. If a customer contacts you asking not to receive the emails, then you must respect their wishes.
Now that you begin to see a steady increase in reviews, you must reply to all reviews. Regardless of the type of review, include their name, thank them for their feedback, and reiterate any positive comments they made.
For negative reviews, apologize, provide a solution and contact details to take the conversation offline. Potential customers can forgive mistakes; however, they want reassurance that errors are rectified.
When customers see a personalized response to their review, they feel special. It motivates them to buy more from you and then leave more reviews. When others know that you take time to reply to everyone, they are more likely to leave a review—they want to be part of the special treatment.
You should now find it easier to get more reviews.
Why Starloop Makes Getting Google Reviews Easier
It may seem that your review strategy to get more Google reviews requires a lot of work. This is where Starloop makes it easier. Starloop is online reputation management software that automates processes and motivates customers to leave reviews the right way.
Signing up for Starloop takes just a few minutes to set up. So, you will soon be ready to send automated email and text review invitations.
Here’s how Starloop works:
- Your customers receive an invitation for them to leave feedback. This also includes a simple link to your review profile.
- To provide an incentive, the invitation lets them know that we plant a tree for every review you receive.
- From the simple dashboard, you can manage reviews.
- You receive notifications of your new Google reviews.
- You also see your customer name, star rating, review site, and the actual review. This allows you to respond as quickly as possible.
Our “one tree for every review” policy is a fantastic boost for your reputation. You set your company apart as an ethical company that cares for the planet.
Using Starloop solves many of the issues you may have with your strategy review. You will be amazed that it’s not that hard to get Google reviews. Starloop saves you time and helps you get the results you need—more positive Google reviews the easy way.