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How to Optimize Content for Voice Search

google optimize voice search

Voice assistants, smart speakers, and mobile devices mean that the way people search for information has changed significantly. One of the most significant changes in the way consumers search the internet is voice search. Phrases like “Alexa can you…” or “Hey Google, tell me…” are now commonplace in most households.

With so many people using voice search features, the big question to ask yourself is—are people going to find my business?

Optimizing content on your website for voice search queries is an important way your business can be found. Voice search should be part of your SEO strategy that also includes getting Google reviews and publishing regular blogs.

How can you optimize content for voice search? You need to publish content that is easy to scan, focus on long-tail keywords, and claim your Google ‘My Business’ listing. Content also should revolve around answering many questions that potential clients might have. You need to write in a natural, conversational manner.

optimize website voice search

In the article, we will look at four ways to optimize website content to take advantage of new trends in the way consumers are using their voice to search the Web.

The Importance of Optimizing Content for Voice Search

To understand why you should write content for voice search results, consider what has changed.

The traditional method of finding information involved typing in a phrase into the search engines. Let’s face it; people hate typing and often make mistakes. So, even a search as short as “best plumber” would bring up results of plumbers near you. Sometimes, a typed search would look more like something Master Yoda wrote—“plumber best near me who is?”

Google even offers suggestions as you type to help you out. You would then see a list of many plumbers in your area—and it is easy to click on a few and make a decision.

voice search alexa

With voice search, everything changes. A voice search would be something like this—“Alexa, tell me the best plumber near me.” Rather than provide you with a list of options, the person may only hear one audible result on a smart speaker. Of course, on a mobile device, they will still see a list of local businesses.

Consumers are also conducting voice searches when they would never usually search—driving the car, in the bath, using the bathroom, and when cooking.

Finding ways to optimize for voice search becomes even more critical when you consider some statistics. For example, in 2020, it is estimated that 50% of all internet searches will be voice-based. Also, the age groups that most commonly use Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri are the following:

  • 13 – 18-year olds (40 %)
  • 65+ age group (25%)
  • 45 – 54-year olds (30%)
  • 10 – 21-year olds (23%)

4 Ways to Optimize Website Content for Voice Search

Let’s look at four easy ways you can create content that is optimized for voice search.

optimize voice search

1. Concentrate on long-tail keywords

The most important way to create content for voice searches is to target long-tail keywords. When using audible commands, people use between seven and nine words. So, content should naturally answer questions as if you were talking to the person.

One excellent way to create content that is search-ready is to include an FAQ page. Incorporate many questions your customers ask. Keep sentences short and to the point and answer the question in fewer than 50 words.

2. Optimize content for local searches

A vast majority of voice searches are for local businesses, and they usually include the phrase “near me” or the name of the town or city. Start by optimizing your Google ‘My Business’ page and make sure that all information is accurate.

Also, remember that Google takes into account the number and quality of reviews your business receives. So, this is also a great reason to incorporate getting more Google reviews into your marketing strategy for voice search.

3. Write content to target ‘micro-moments’

To take advantage of voice search, create website content that incorporates micro-moments. What are micro-moments? Google describes these as an “intent-rich moment when a person turns to a device to act on a need.” The four aspects of micro-moments include:

  • I want to know—someone is looking for information, but not ready to buy.
  • I want to go—the person is considering buying a product or service from a local business.
  • I want to do—the user needs help finishing a task or trying out something new.
  • I want to buy—a person needs help making a decision to buy.

The goal is to create content on your website that quickly connects people to what they want at that moment.

4. Optimize microdata

Use the Schema markup code to help search engines give the exact answers people are looking for. To incorporate this information, you can visit Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper. Here you can tell the search engines what information to show alongside your business in the results pages.

The Future of Voice Search

As technology continues to evolve and develop, businesses need to keep up with new strategies to keep in line with consumer habits. Optimizing your content for voice search helps to ensure that your business is found on whatever device someone is using.

Publishing content optimized for search engine results is just one part of a digital marketing strategy. Contact Starloop to learn about the importance of getting more online reviews and how they can boost your revenue.

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