Invite Your Clients
Add your clients into your Starloop by their email or SMS. Starloop will start engaging and getting you reviews on sites like Google and Facebook.
One Tree Planted!
It’s a busy world so most of your clients are too busy to write you a review. Starloop solves this problem by planting one tree for every review. Tree planting gives your clients a reason to stop what they’re doing and write you a review.
Just let the Starloop do the rest. Get reviews on autopilot as Starloop manages reminders to your customer list and builds your online reputation 99% hands-free.
I didn’t know what to think. Then we quadrupled our reviews in just 3 months.
Ryan MacKay, Owner, MacKay Real Property Law
“I have questions!”
Our friendly team is here to answer your questions! Email us at [email protected] or book a live demo and get all your questions answered live on a fast and fun screen share. Or watch this video below.
“Can I get a free trial?
Yes. Start with a no-obligation, 14-day free trial. Special note: If you were contacted directly by our team, ask them if there are any promo codes to extend your free trial to 21 or 30 days.
“Can I book a demo?”
Of course, we’d be happy to show you how it all works. Feel free to hop on our calendar and book a demo with our team. You can have all your questions answered there.

Forbes says “…the concept is brilliant”
Shep Hyken, Forbes – How to Get 100s of Online Reviews